Tech Talks

Here are some of the talks I have given at various conferences and events.

Python Traceback For Humans @ PyCon India

Supercharge Your Shell For Python Development @BangPypers

Django Gotchas! @BangaloreDjangoUserGroup

How To Teach Neural Networks To Your Grandma? @BangPypers

Just Queue It - Queue Everything & Delight Everyone! @PyBelgaum

Getting Started With Python Pandas @BangPypers

Emacs As Python IDE! @PyConIndia OpenSpace

Enough iPython For Everyday Programming! @BangPypers

What Made Emacs Different? @BarcampBangalore

Python For BioInformatics! @PESIT

Emacs as Python IDE! @BangPypers

Getting Started With Django @BangaloreDjangoUserGroup