On Resuming Writing Challenge
Photo by Kaboompics on Pexels
In 2018, I decided to write at least one blog post per month throughout the year. Even though I tried to write posts every month, I couldn't publish anything in few months.
In 2019, I went a step ahead and made a legal(?) agreement with a friend. I paid him 1,00,000 rupees and told him that he could keep the money as a reward if I failed to write a blog post every month.
This agreement kept me on my toes. I didn't miss writing a single month in 2019. I stayed awake on the last days of the month to finish and publish the post before midnight.
In 2020, I took up the challenge again and I was able to write at least one post every month.
In 2021, I didn't take up the challenge. I wrote just three posts in the entire year.
In the two years when I took the challenge, even though I wrote a few mediocre articles, I wrote a few good articles. In the other two years when I didn't take the challenge, my writing quality and quantity declined.
Due to this, I decided to take up the writing challenge again this year.
Instead of limiting the 1,00,000 reward to my friend, I decided to extend it to all the readers.
The first person who calls out that there is no new blog post in a month will get the 1,00,000 reward. The next three people will get a small gift as a token of appreciation.
I will try my best to write at least one post every month. Let's wait till the end of the year and see how it goes.