Django Meetup In Bangalore

"Krace played a key role in bringing back the almost dead Bangalore Python Users Group into action."
- Shreyansh Singhal on YourStory.

Few weeks back, while I was searching for Python I came across Krace's blog. Then I checked his Github, Stackoverflow, Quora profiles and I was amazed.

Last week when I found there was a Django users workshop by him & his friends, without a second thought I decided to go.

Since the organizers marked the location (ThoughtWorks Technologies) on Google Maps, its quite easy to reach there w/o any trouble.

Workshop took place from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. The goal was to build a simple phone book app to add/view/edit contacts with Django & SQLite.

Before starting of workshop, organizers helped with installation of requirements(Django & South).

Krace showed the agenda. At each & every step, he first explained what he is going to do. Then he would do it and gives us time to complete the task. All organizers patiently helped in troubleshooting the errors at each and every step. In the end we had little Q & A session.

Overall it was a great hands on experience with great content & crew! Looking forward for more meetups!! Thank You very much!!!

If you are form Bangalore & love Python, don't miss Django & BangPypers meetup.

P.S: A snap of workshop.. 

Need further help with this? I am available for hire.